Author: Dan Varland

  • Artist Jack DeLap

    Jack Delap is an Associate Professor at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle where he teaches Scientific Illustration, Environmental Science and Sustainability, and The Art and Science of Taxidermy. Away from his classroom duties he’s a freelance illustrator for books, journal articles and more. Jack holds a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art/History from […]

  • Supporting Raptor Research in Colombia

    In 2023, Coastal Raptors provided funding for purchasing five camera traps to monitor large raptor nesting in Colombia. We made the donation to support the work of Proyecto Grandes Rapaces de Colombia (Large Raptors of Colombia), a private company with research and education programs for the Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja), Ornate Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus ornatus), King […]

  • Fall Migration is Well Underway for Turkey Vultures

    On September 29 I received an email from Brent Angelo of Vancouver, Washington. Last winter I was in touch with Brent following a Turkey Vulture sighting that he had made of one of our wing-tagged birds. This time around Brent shared his sightings of Turkey Vultures on migration, from his backyard no less! Quoting Brent’s […]

  • Raptor Survey Results in Trash Talk!

    Raptor survey, Long Beach Peninsula, September 26. The survey group included five Wisconsinites, yours truly, and Peninsula resident Kelly Rupp. We recorded 17 raptors in all, including eight Turkey Vultures, four Bald Eagles, three Northern Harriers and two Peregrine Falcons. As we traveled up the beach we ran into Russ Lewis at the north end. […]

  • Misfits – Incorrectly Fit Harnesses Led to Turkey Vultures Shedding Their Transmitters!

    When a Turkey Vulture’s transmitter is sending signals from the same location hour after hour, it’s an indication that either the bird has died or he/she has rid themselves of the unit. We feared the worst when signals from the transmitters on vultures Amelia, Caeden and Glenn – shown below – weren’t changing locations. With […]

  • Third Turkey Vulture Sheds a Transmitter!

    April 29, 2023 Coastal Raptors attached a transmitter and a wing-tag to a Turkey Vulture at the Ocean Shores Municipal Airport. Afterwards GPS fixes indicated that this vulture, with tag ID CM and named Caeden, had moved to forestland three miles northeast of the airport. Telemetry signals showed his presence there up to May 11, […]

  • Shoalwater DNR Locates Vulture-Shed Transmitter!

    April 30, 2023. Ocean Shores Muncipal Airport. Coastal Raptors trapped a Turkey Vulture for a research project on the movement ecology of this very important scavenger species (for an overview of the study, go to Turkey Vulture Tracking). Trouble began one week afterward. At the time of her May 20 observation, Cyndie was conducting a […]

  • You Win Some, You Loose Some

    April 29, 2023: Ocean Shores Muncipal Airport Coastal Raptors began monitoring the health of avian scavengers on the Pacific coast in 2011. This effort involves capturing Bald Eagles, Turkey Vultures and Common Ravens for tissue sampling ahead of lab tests for pathogen and contaminant exposure. This day we trapped a Bald Eagle with a severe […]

  • Is This Your Bird?

    On May 1, 2023 I received an email from David Estroff of Gig Harbor, Washington with “Is this your bird” as the subject. I knew immediately that his email was going to be about a banded bird. I hoped that it would be one of mine and it was! David was birding on Grays Harbor […]

  • To a Career in Wildlife Science and Conservation

    My wife Sue and I spent the last week of February in Tucson, Arizona. A highlight of that visit for me was presenting a seminar at the University of Arizona’s school of natural resources, the title of which was Reflections on a Career in Wildlife Science and Conservation – 30 Years and Counting. I was […]