Dan Varland, Executive Director, Coastal Raptors
Mailing address: Coastal Raptors, P.O. Box 492, Hoquiam, Washington 98550; email address: dan.varland@comcast.net; phone number: 360-591-5959.
See the band, know the plan, it’s good for everyone (from the Coastal Raptors music video Band on the Bird by Tony Starlight and Dan Varland).
Know the Plan: What’s the plan? It’s to learn about the site fidelity and migratory patterns of Peregrine Falcons, Gyrfalcons, Bald Eagles, Common Ravens and Turkey Vultures that we’ve marked with visual identification bands or wing tags along the Pacific coast.

If you see one of the above with a leg or wing marker and your sighting was in the west between Alaska and Mexico, it might be one of ours! Sightings are important to us. Please report the visual identification code, the date and location of the sighting to Dan Varland (contact information above). Regardless of your sighting location, be sure to go to the US Geological Survey Bird Banding Lab website and complete a bird sighting record.