Category: Pacific Coast Peregrines

  • The Peale’s Peregrine Falcon – A Quintessential Coastal Raptor

    Introduction The Peale’s Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus pealei) is one of three subspecies of peregrine found in North America. The others are the Anatum Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum) and the Tundra Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius). Due to the effects of environmental contaminants, Peregrine Falcon populations declined substantially in the mid-twentieth century in the […]

  • “Perhaps the Most Unique Looking Peregrine Falcon I Have Seen Here”

    People often ask me to help them identify birds, especially raptors. This past April 11 was one of those occasions. John Raymond, whom I’ve known and “talked birds” with for years, got in touch by email to ask about a Peregrine Falcon he’s seen that day. “Perhaps the most unique looking Peregrine Falcon I have […]

  • Friendly Falcons

    Our raptor Surveying and Banding research has been ongoing since 1995. In the ensuing 29 years, we’ve captured 244 Peregrine Falcons, fitting each with a visual identification leg band.     As we approach these falcons in our vehicle for banding or resighting, the degree of wariness they show ranges from extremely skittish to very approachable. […]

  • The Aleutian Peregrine Falcon

    The Aleutian Peregrine Falcon breeds on the Aleutian Islands, which extend from the Alaskan Peninsula (yellow arrow) to Russia’s Commander Islands (red arrow). Aleutian peregrines are part of the Peale’s Peregrine Falcon subspecies (Falco peregrinus pealei). Peale’s peregrines breed along the Pacific Coast from northern Oregon to Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. Aleutian peregrines may […]

  • Peregrine Falcon 32/B – The Gray Ghost!

    Dave Murnen, Jake Burroughs, Tom Rowley and I conducted a raptor survey on October 13, 2022 on the Ocean Shores beach that was remarkable in two ways. It was the first time to band three Peregrine Falcons during the same survey. And, for just the second time in 27 years, a Peregrine Falcon showing leucism […]

  • Remembering Peregrine Falcon Z/U

    Z/U, a female Peale’s Peregrine Falcon banded by Coastal Raptors in 2015, was found dead near Ruby Beach on the Olympic Peninsula’s north coast. The falcon was found by Jessie Huggins and Dyanna Lambourne on October 9, 2022. It’s worth noting that Jessie and Dyanna are members of the West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network […]