PUB Crawl! defines Pub Crawl as “to have drinks at one bar after another”. Here Pub Crawl aptly describes the slow process of publishing Coastal Raptors’ research findings in the scientific literature. It’s common for long-term monitoring such as ours to employ years of data and involve multiple co-authors. This process takes time!
Below are peer-reviewed publications from coastal raptors research, a book chapter on raptor marking techniques, and recent editions of TIDEings, the Coastal Raptors’ newsletter. For pdf copies, see “Click here” for each below.

Surveying and Banding
Varland, D.E., J. Buchanan, T.L. Fleming, M.K. Kenney, and T.M. Loughin. 2012. Peregrine Falcons on Coastal Beaches of Washington: Fifteen Years of Banding and Surveys. The Journal of Raptor Research 46: 57-74. Click here.
Mercury Contamination in Peregrine Falcons
Barnes, J. G., D. E. Varland, T. L. Fleming, J. B. Buchanan, and S. L. Gerstenberger 2018. Mercury Contamination in Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Coastal Washington, 2001-2016. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130:958-968. Click here.
Peregrine Falcon Survival Rates
Varland, D. E., L.A Powell, J. B. Buchanan, T. L. Fleming, and C. Vanier. 2020. Peregrine Falcon Survival Rates Derived From a Long-Term Study at a Migratory and Overwintering Area in Coastal Washington, USA. The Journal of Raptor Research 54: 207-221. Click here.
Varland, D.E., L.A. Powell, M.K. Kenney and T.L. Fleming. 2008. Peregrine Falcon Survival and Re-sighting Rates on the Washington Coast, 1995-2003. The Journal of Raptor Research 42:161-171. Click here.
Peregrine Falcon Scavenging
Varland, D. E., J. B. Buchanan, T. L. Fleming, M. K. Kenney, and C. Vanier. 2018. Scavenging as a Food-acquisition Strategy by Peregrine Falcons. The Journal of Raptor Research 52: 291-308. Click here.
Tundra Peregrine Falcons in Washington
Varland, D.E., T.L. Fleming and J.B. Buchanan. 2008. Tundra Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius) Occurrence in Washington. Washington Birds 10:48-57. Click here.
Avian Scavenger Monitoring
Herring, G., C. A. Eagles-Smith, and D. E. Varland. 2018. Mercury and Lead Exposure in Avian Scavengers from the Pacific Northwest Suggest Risks to California Condors: Implications for Reintroduction and Recovery. Environmental Pollution 243: 610-619. Click here.
Varland, D.E. 2015. A Capture to Remember: Monitoring the Health of Avian Scavengers on the Pacific Coast. The Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 29:250-256. Click here.
Book Chapter – Marking Techniques
Varland, D.E., J.A. Smallwood, L.S. Young, and M.N. Kochert. 2007. Marking Techniques. Pages 221-236 in Raptor Research and Management Techniques, D.M. Bird and K.L. Bildstein [Editors], Hancock House Publishing, Blaine, WA U.S.A. 463 pages. Click here.
Annual Newsletters
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2024. Stories Inside: Current Research on Peregrine Falcon Abundance; Tracking Merlins for Piping Plover Conservation; Anita Plagge Joins the Board; Birds of the World Donated to Grays Harbor College; Education Presentations in 2024; Blogs posted in 2024. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2023. Stories Inside: Javan Bauder Joins the Coastal Raptors Board; Presentations in 2023; Raptor Survey Results in Trash Talk!; Turkey Vulture Tracking; Supporting Raptor Research in Colombia. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2022. Stories Inside: Coastal Raptors Website Begins Anew!; Supporting Gyrfalcon Research in Norway and Alaska; Turkey Vulture Tracking; Education 2022. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2021. Stories Inside: Bucket List – A Wish Fulfilled!; Tracking Peregrine Falcon Movements; Tracking Turkey Vulture Movements; Grayland Sighted in Southern California During Migration; Education 2021; and Nike’s Story. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2020. Stories Inside: Gyrfalcon, Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon Banded in 2020; PUB Crawl 2020; Hans Peeters Creates Journal Cover Art Featuring Peregrine Falcon W/Z. Bald Eagle Dies Due to Fishing Line; and Bird Banding Lab Features Coastal Raptors. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2019. Stories Inside: Turkey Vulture Artful Dodger; Like a Message in a Bottle; Education 2019; Film Features the Rare Philippine Eagle; Pub Crawl; and A Real Beauty! Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2018. Stories Inside: Tracking Turkey Vulture Movements; Education 2018; Nankai University, Tianjin, China; Conference in Kruger National Park; Pub Crawl 2018; and Gyrfalcon. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2017. Stories Inside: Birds, Music and Laughter!; Like a Message in a Bottle; Education Programs 2017; Pub Crawl! V/M Sets Longevity Record! Young Osprey Rescued!; and Thanks for the Memories! Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2016. Stories Inside: DNA Samples to Burke Museum; Feather Samples to Las Vegas; Photo Exhibit Showcases the Coast; Volunteer Spotlight; Grads Gain Experience; Educations Programs 2016; and Bald Eagle Returns to the Wild. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2015. Stories Inside: Photo Exhibit at Polson Museum; Avian Influenza in Washington; Working with Coastal Raptors; Nature’s Depths: John Palka’s Nature Blog; Education Programs 2015; and Wildlife Society Award. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2014. Stories Inside: Investigating Blood Contaminants; Volunteer Spotlight; Tracking Turkey Vulture AN; Education Programs; and Owls Adopt Nest Box. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2013. Stories Inside: Peregrine Falcon WZ; Educating; Providing Training; Help with Special Projects; and About Coastal Raptors. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2012. Stories Inside: Monitoring Avian Health and Disease on the Pacific Coast; New Treasurer, New Board Member; Education Programs 2012; and January 7, 2012: A Day with Peregrines. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2011. Stories Inside: Avian Health Monitoring Gets Underway on the Pacific Coast; Meet the Coastal Raptors Board; Toward Reintroducing the California Condor to the Pacific Northwest!; Monitoring Avian Health and Disease on the Pacific Coast in Support of California Condor Reintroduction Planning; and Education Programs 2011. Click here.
Coastal Raptors TIDEings. 2010. Stories Inside: 15 Years of Peregrine Falcon Research; Dan Varland Awarded for Exceptional Service; Peregrine V/V: 7 Years from Banding to Recapture; Education Programs; Internship Program; Training Program; and Wildlife Photographers Visit the Washington Coast. Click here.