Learning in The Field
Well over 500 people have participated with field work since the start of the research in 1995, all in a volunteer capacity. The list includes many from the local community, wildlife science students, seasoned field biologists and photographers. They lend a hand and learn.

We often have people stop by to see what we’re up to during our bird banding activities. These chance meetings also provide learning opportunities.

Learning at Presentations
Dan Varland makes 8-10 presentations annually on Coastal Raptors research: at professional conferences, to local school and civic groups, to university students and others.
Dan co-teaches hands-on workshops on raptor marking, handling and measuring techniques at the annual conferences of the Raptor Research Foundation (RRF). Much of the content is available in Marking Techniques, a chapter he co-authored. The chapter appears in Raptor Research and Management Techniques, a book published by RRF. For a free copy of Marking Techniques click here or go to Publications on the Coastal Raptors website. Copies of the book or of individual chapters therein are available at the Raptor Research Foundation website (click here).

The workshops teach hands-on techniques through the use of raptor carcasses that are made available under permit. In the photo at right, Dan helps two students from Japan apply wing tags to a Golden Eagle carcass at the 2019 Raptor Research Foundation conference in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Learning at Retreats
Coastal Raptors holds overnight retreats at the George Johnson House B&B in Ocean Park, Washington. The retreats are graciously hosted by the B&B’s Charlotte Killien. They offer great food, wonderful accommodations and multiple opportunities to head out on the Long Beach Peninsula for adventures with raptors!