The Peale’s Peregrine Falcon – A Quintessential Coastal Raptor
Introduction The Peale’s Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus pealei) is one of three subspecies of peregrine found in North America. The others are the Anatum Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum) and the Tundra Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius). Due to the effects of environmental contaminants, Peregrine Falcon populations declined substantially in the mid-twentieth century in the […]
Remembering Bald Eagle B/O
Four miles north of Ocean Shores, Washington. During a raptor survey on June 12, 2015, we stopped to record a Bald Eagle perched atop a signpost. In a half-hearted effort to trap him (or her!) for banding, we drove by and tossed a baited snare out the window near his perch. Our snare was attached […]
Steller’s Sea-Eagle: My Lucky Encounter with Stella!
June 23, 2024. Newfoundland, Canada. Below you see my best photo of a Steller’s Sea-Eagle, taken during a boat tour off the coast of Trinity, Newfoundland. Native to the Russian Far East, Japan, and the Korean Peninsula, this bird was most certainly out of place on the far east side of the North American continent! […]
Where’d That Carcass Go?
On April 21, 2024 Tom Rowley, Pam McCauley, Dianna Moore and I conducted a raptor survey at Ocean Shores (see Surveying and Banding for more on Coastal Raptors’ survey efforts). We tallied 16 raptors in all, 10 Bald Eagles and 6 Turkey Vultures. All of the vultures and one of the eagles were perched close […]
“Perhaps the Most Unique Looking Peregrine Falcon I Have Seen Here”
People often ask me to help them identify birds, especially raptors. This past April 11 was one of those occasions. John Raymond, whom I’ve known and “talked birds” with for years, got in touch by email to ask about a Peregrine Falcon he’s seen that day. “Perhaps the most unique looking Peregrine Falcon I have […]
Friendly Falcons
Our raptor Surveying and Banding research has been ongoing since 1995. In the ensuing 29 years, we’ve captured 244 Peregrine Falcons, fitting each with a visual identification leg band. As we approach these falcons in our vehicle for banding or resighting, the degree of wariness they show ranges from extremely skittish to very approachable. […]
The Aleutian Peregrine Falcon
The Aleutian Peregrine Falcon breeds on the Aleutian Islands, which extend from the Alaskan Peninsula (yellow arrow) to Russia’s Commander Islands (red arrow). Aleutian peregrines are part of the Peale’s Peregrine Falcon subspecies (Falco peregrinus pealei). Peale’s peregrines breed along the Pacific Coast from northern Oregon to Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. Aleutian peregrines may […]
Supporting Raptor Research in Colombia
In 2023, Coastal Raptors provided funding for purchasing five camera traps to monitor large raptor nesting in Colombia. We made the donation to support the work of Proyecto Grandes Rapaces de Colombia (Large Raptors of Colombia), a private company with research and education programs for the Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja), Ornate Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus ornatus), King […]